Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

I'll cut to the chase: I don't actually know Chen Lanshu personally. I've only gleaned some information from the news that she previously owned the award-winning Le Moût restaurant in Taichung. Surprisingly, she closed it down amidst public astonishment, took a break, collaborated with other restaurants, and eventually established her own.

Gubami Social marks her entry into Taipei's dining scene. We decided to check it out partly due to its reputation and, mainly, because of substantial financial backing. It's not typically our style of restaurant, and it wouldn't have made it onto our list if not for my parents' sudden interest in trying it out.

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Here's some fair advice before you go, so brace yourself. Try not to fixate too much on the prices, or you might lose your appetite. Everyone has different thoughts or pursuits when it comes to food. It's okay to explore various options; you don 't have to force yourself to accept something that doesn't resonate with you. The primary purpose of food is to fulfill the body's nutritional needs; its presentation is like icing on the cake, enhancing the original. This means value is subjective, and there are plenty of dishes that are both delicious and reasonably priced.

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

The most distinctive feature of Gubami Social is the fusion of Taiwanese and French cuisine techniques—a blend of French culinary methods with the essence of Taiwanese cuisine.

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

This mixed rice dish is both savory and forlorn.

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Perfect Fusion of Taiwanese and French Cuisine! Gubami Social at A9, Xinyi, featuring Chen Lanshu's Creative Dishes

Each dish came in small portions; we were a group of 4 dining, and each dish had about 1 to 2 bites per person. Consequently, we found ourselves ordering more dishes to avoid feeling like we hadn't eaten anything substantial. While there was a distinct Taiwanese essence in the dishes, they also carried a touch of French style within that Taiwanese context. It turned out to be a refined dining experience, ideal for a date or simple business entertainment.

After leaving the restaurant, we ended up finding another place to grab some food. We could sense the creativity; such a fusion isn't easily encountered. Blending these flavors together demands a considerable amount of effort and it's quite admirable. Whether it's delicious or not, whether it's worth it or not, that's entirely subjective.

gubami Social



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