Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

 Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

The distance from Neiwan to smangus is approximately 60 kilometers, and a regular small car would take about 2.5 to 3 hours for the journey. If departing from Taipei, it's advisable to allocate around 4 to 5 hours for a safer travel time. Although it might not necessarily require that much time, it's recommended to allow for extra time for safety and a more relaxed trip. Unlike professional drivers of tourist charter vehicles who frequently traverse this route and have extensive experience, tackling the mountainous roads to smangus for the first time can be somewhat challenging and stressful.

Additionally, Smangus has restricted access times, particularly during holidays and festivals, so it's important to be aware of traffic regulations.

Controlled Sections:
Smangus Industrial Road (Section from km 39 of Route Zhu 60, which is the junction at Taigang, to Sima Marcus Tribe)

Control Periods:
Regular Vehicles (Four wheels or more):
Access to the mountain allowed before 12:40 and after 15:00.
Vehicles going uphill are not allowed to enter the Smangus Industrial Road through the Taigang junction during other times.

Descent allowed before 14:00 and after 16:20.
Vehicles descending are not permitted to depart from the Smangus Tribe during other times.

Medium-sized Buses:
Access to the mountain allowed from 15:00 to 15:20.
Medium buses going uphill are not allowed to enter the Smangus Industrial Road through the Taigang junction during other times.

Descent allowed from 13:40 to 14:00.
Medium buses descending are not permitted to depart from the Smangus Tribe during other times.

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

The journey before reaching the smangus Industrial Road (starting at km 39 of Route Zhu 60, specifically from the Taigang junction to the smangus Tribe) is relatively easy and straightforward, as it's all mountain roads. It's only when you enter the Sima Marcus Industrial Road that the real challenge begins; the previous sections can be considered appetizers in comparison.

**Remember to prepare supplies for your vehicle and personal necessities before descending into the mountains. The Taiwan CPC gas station in Jian Shi (for vehicles) and the FamilyMart convenience store at Jian Shi Wild Ginger Blossom Shop (for people) are good places for replenishment.**

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

When you spot the YulaoPolice Station, you've reached the Yulaopai Scenic Viewing Platform. The scenery here is quite nice, but parking can be challenging. It's not very convenient to stop and admire the view on the way up, so you might want to consider doing so on the return journey.

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

At the Yulao Scenic Viewing Platform intersection, take a right turn.

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

Starting from km 39 of Route Zhu 60, which is the Taigang junction, you should take the left turn at this intersection to enter the Smangus Industrial Road. This is where the journey truly begins and also where the most challenging road segment lies. However, there's some good news: the two particularly difficult road sections in the middle have been repaired, so there shouldn't be any issues with potholes. (From what I've seen in videos filmed by others, those two segments weren't very friendly to small cars, as they were prone to scraping the undercarriage. Rain and heavy traffic might have caused unevenness, but fortunately, they've been fixed.) Still, there are several stretches that can only accommodate a single car's size, which is why there are restrictions in place. Passing through some sections doesn't allow for two cars to pass each other; only a small portion can accommodate yielding.

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

Key points for traveling to Smangus transportation route!

Upon approaching the divine village of Smangus, you might start questioning life a bit. The road leading to this segment is filled with numerous sharp turns and significant elevation changes, making it potentially nauseating for drivers who aren't careful. It's practically impossible to speed through, as the road poses a considerable risk. Personally, I find the mental strain of navigating this section to be quite intense. Originally, I didn't want to drive it myself and thought my family could do it, but I realized I would get motion sickness if I wasn't the one driving.

I've resolved to visit Sima Marcus only once in my lifetime, as they say you should go there at least once in your life. Once I've been, I can cross it off my bucket list. I really don't have any intention of driving through that route again; it's just too exhausting. The interior is genuinely delightful, whether it's the ambiance, environment, or the air quality; everything is so relaxing. I spent a comfortable three days and two nights there, but I'm content with preserving that memory.


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